This course focuses on unconscious biases, a crucial topic for creating more inclusive and effective work environments and communities. The training program is designed to help participants recognize the cognitive mechanisms that lead to bias formation, understand its consequences, and develop strategies to overcome it. By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
- Understand how the human brain categorizes information and how this process can lead to stereotypes and biases.
• Identify their own unconscious biases and assess their impact on decisions and relationships.
• Apply strategies to interrupt biases and foster a fair and collaborative work environment.
• Reflect on daily interactions and adopt a more mindful and inclusive approach.
The course covers the following key topics:
• The science behind unconscious biases: how and why our brain generates them.
• Common types of unconscious biases and their impact on work and relationships.
• The negative consequences of unchecked biases on inclusion, creativity, and productivity.
• Practical techniques to recognize and overcome biases, with examples and interactive scenarios.
Course Structure
• Format: Asynchronous, fully accessible online.
• Total duration:
o Reading materials: approximately 45 minutes.
o Multimedia content: approximately 7 minutes.
o Quizzes and interactive activities: Time varies depending on the participant's pace.
The course combines textual content, videos, practical examples, and quizzes to ensure interactive and engaging learning.
Target Audience
This course is aimed at professionals, educators, HR personnel, managers, and anyone who wishes to acquire tools to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in their work and personal environments.